Men’s Public Rosary
As men we have been entrusted with protecting what is true, holy and beautiful.
Hear Our Lady’s urgent, loving call to spiritual arms against the enemies of the Church and God’s children.Pick up your Rosary and join the fight!
WHEN: | Every first Saturday of the month. |
WHERE: | Wherever you organize a public Men’s Rosary Crusade for Reparation locally. Already existing locations you can find in the list below. |
WHO: | Everybody who cares for the wellfare of his country. Please invite friends, neighbors and start praying! Bring lanterns and candles! |
HOW: | Simply pray a Rosary in a public location with likeminded men. |

We pray on our knees if we can because Our Lady instructed St Louis de Montfort that those who pray on their knees will receive extra graces.
We pray in Reparation for: Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception. Blasphemies against Our Lady’s Virginity. Blasphemies against her Divine maternity and the refusal to accept her as the mother of all men. Instilling indifference, scorn, and hatred towards the Immaculate Mother in the hearts of children. Direct insults against her sacred images.
We repent to the Lord for all the ways our nation has turned away from the Gospel and the Catholic teaching, especially in reparation for the sins of abortion, contraception and impurity.
We humbly ask for peace and freedom for our nation and all nations, especially the freedom to practice our faith without interference.
We trust in the promise of our Father, the Lord of Heaven and Earth: “If then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heavenand pardon their sins and heal their land.“ 2 Chronicles 7:14
Might YOU start a monthly
Men’s Public Rosary of Reparation
in your USA locale?
Announce YOUR local Men’s Public Rosary Initiative:
Please forward this site to every man you know!
Places of prayer
Suggest (post) a prayer address location: